Builders: Services Provided

Builder Partnerships helps explore ways in which builders can work with manufacturers to add real value to the builder's organization, and increase both profits and customer satisfaction. We offer a variety of programs that will increase profitability and efficiency.

Model Home Rebates & Design Center

Many manufacturers offer special discounts to builders for indicating which products they use in their model homes. Builder Partnerships works with the builder to pursue these special discounts or free materials for use in model homes.

Manufacturer requirements will be documented and communicated to builders. These requirements may include signage specifying their products, brand placement in brochures or advertisements, or special displays in models and sales centers.

Many of our manufacturer associates are interested in working with builders to ensure the most favorable display of their products in builders' design center. Builder Partnerships identifies the specific manufacturers offering design assistance for model homes and sales centers.

We promote the use of resources provided by the manufacturer to allow builders' designers to incorporate the latest in product demonstration and placement to optimize selection displays.

Joint Product Development & Product Installation

Builder Partnerships members are encouraged to meet with product manufacturers to discuss working together on specific product or system development programs.

This is a good way to gain insight into new products being developed by the manufacturers and to enhance builders' leadership position in the market by offering cutting edge products.

Many manufacturers have elaborate installation training programs. Some even have certified contractor quality programs, complete with installation videos and quizzes for builders and their staff.

Builder Partnerships encourages builders to work with key manufacturers on training field personnel and trade contractors on proper installation of products.

Both manufacturer associates and builder members will benefit when key people are properly trained, as it will minimize quality issues and reduce costs.

Sales Training and Selection & Market Research Assistance

Manufacturers often provide sales training. We encourage our builders to invite manufacturers to meetings with sales staff, to conduct brief training sessions.

These training sessions are beneficial for both parties as they give builders the knowledge about standard products and upgrades that is essential to increasing sales.

Many types of manufacturers conduct consumer research and focus groups centered on their products. We make these studies available to Builder Partnerships members to help our builders make better informed decisions regarding selection of products.

We encourage our members to actively participate in upcoming research programs that include questions pertaining to home production. In some cases, we may assist in this process by assembling builder groups.

Opportunities for Co-op Advertising & Public Relations

We negotiate cooperative advertising opportunities to enable builders to share the responsibility of advertisement cost with manufacturer associates. As with model home support, manufacturer requirements will be documented and communicated to builders for implementation.

We are devoted to creating strong relationships between manufacturers and builders that extend into all areas of business. Through this relationship, manufacturers and builders are able to assist each other in public relations.

Because manufacturers often utilize powerful and effective public relations agencies, they are able to include builders in press releases and build a strong reputation in the industry.

Builders, in return, promote reputable, prominent manufacturers' brands in their market and obtain better placement of articles in trade magazines and industry publications.

Value Engineering & Construction Visits

The value engineering process promotes cooperation between builders and manufacturers to produce new homes more efficiently.

Manufacturers engineer framing systems to minimize the amount of framing lumber used in homes. As a result, builders substantially reduce lumber costs and provide enhanced energy efficiency.

We encourage builder members to invite manufacturer associates to visit job sites at the time of product installation.

The manufacturer can identify any problems they may see with improper procedures. In addition, they can point out issues with any construction details that could adversely affect the performance of their product, and/or the builder's systems.

Technical plan reviews are similar to construction jobsite visits, but have the added feature of allowing the manufacturer to review every aspect of the builder's plans. Here, the manufacturer's technical staff reviews the builder's plans and specs, and makes recommendations about how to improve the performance of the home and the specific product.