Original Article by Nisus

Now there is a solution to protecting your structures from termites that can earn you points in green building programs such as LEED® for Homes, NGBS Green Poduct Certification ProgramTM, EarthCraft® and many others. Instead of poisoning the soil under a home, Bora-Care eliminates the wood as a food source while saving you one full day of cycle time.

10 Reasons Why Every Builder Should Specify Bora-Care Termite Pretreatments
  1. Builders are saving a full day of cycle time by switching to Bora-Care pretreats. Bora-Care eliminates the need to coordinate schedules between concrete companies and pest management professionals (PMPs). Bora-Care is applied during the dried-in phase of construction.
  2. Bora-Care eliminates weather delays. Traditional soil treatments require application to dry ground after the footers are dug. Bora-Care is applied directly to the wood and concrete on walls, subfloors, sill plates, piers and expansion joints, as well as around pipe chases and plumbing. Weather is simply not a factor.
  3. Bora-Care eliminates the need for crews to leave the job site. In traditional soil pretreatments, workers are required by law to leave the site during application and stay away until the application is completed. With Bora-Care, your crew can keep right on working.
  4. HUD allows Bora-Care treatments. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) 99-A form allows direct wood treatment of Bora-Care as a primary termite treatment in new home construction.
  5. Efficacy tests show proven results. Research from a 12-year study by the USDA Forest Service and Mississippi State University’s Forest Products Laboratory showed wood treated with Bora-Care stopped termite attacks and prevented subterranean termites from tubing over treated wood. In addition, tests conducted at Louisiana State University have shown that Bora-Care applied to concrete surfaces will prevent Formosan termite tubing. Treated wood is also protected against carpenter ants, old house borers, powderpost beetles and decay fungi.
  6. Treatments near water are no longer a concern. With soil treatments, there is the concern of chemicals leaching into a nearby water source. When you pretreat the wood and concrete, that’s ALL you treat.
  7. Soil termiticides can cause some plumbing pipes to leak. Bora-Care has shown no compatability issues with any type of plumbing pipes, and will not corrode metal fasteners, fittings or nails.
  8. Toxicity is a rising concern among homeowners. With traditional soil treatments, hundreds of gallons of pesticides are pumped into the ground under and around a home. Bora-Care is a low odor termiticide that is applied directly to the wood—answering the concerns of homeowners who are demanding less-toxic alternatives.
  9. International building code. Bora-Care is listed in the International Building Code and the International Residential Code. Bora-Care meets the sill plate end-cut requirements set by building codes and the American Wood-Preservers’ Association (AWPA M4).
  10. Excavation and landscaping do not affect the treatment. Leaky water lines, improper drainage and even the landscaping process can break a soil termiticide barrier, rendering soil pretreatments ineffective by the time the house is complete. With Bora-Care, you’re treating the wood, and once again, a problem is eliminated.

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