Original Article by ECI Software Solutions

Buying an ERP system isn’t something you can do quickly if you want to get a good fit. It’s a process. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated or take a long time. Here are five questions you can ask to help search more effectively.

What does your business need?

You can’t buy the right software if you don’t know what your business’ needs are. For example, some businesses like the accounting program they’re already using and would like an ERP system that integrates with it. Others may want to track their inventory. If you know what your company needs, then you’ll know what features you want your ERP system to have.

Most ERP solutions are modular, with a cloud-based infrastructure and a subscription model. This gives your business the ability to customize the modules you purchase to match the functions and departments of your business, and to offer the features and benefits you need. This structure allows you to minimize upfront investments and to adapt your ERP solution to your business as it evolves, with increasing functionality. Conversely, if your business changes its model and you no longer need certain modules, the cloud-based subscription model of most ERP solutions allows you to drop the modules you no longer need.

Matching the right modules to your business involves outlining your business’ processes. If these processes are not clearly defined prior to the project, the implementation team won't consider these aspects of the business when mapping the system. During the validation stage, partners will find that users aren't performing tasks as they expected, requiring modifications to the system and making the project take longer.

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