Much like fishing, selling exists at the intersection of opportunity and preparation. One without the other often results in a skunked day. In order to obtain success, you must put your best line forward.

Reel in better leads, more sales, and improved profitability with these insights from industry expert and senior consultant, Ed Hauck. 

Never Cast, Never Catch

Picture yourself out on a cool lake. You’ve lugged your tackle box, pole, and plenty of bait all this way. You’re as prepared as possible in every regard, yet, you never once cast your line into the water. Now, in this scenario — despite your preparedness — you are guaranteed to come home empty-handed.

It is no different in sales. If you never put yourself in a situation to make a connection, there is no chance of a sale. In order to bring home a big catch, you must put yourself out there and continuously give yourself the opportunity to get lucky.

Attend industry events. Join HBA councils. Cast your line in different lakes until you fill the boat. Once you find an effective avenue in your market of interest, it’s much easier to discover new opportunities for fruitful relationships.

Don’t Cast Into an Empty Pond

Be certain you’re dipping into the correct markets. You want to prioritize the areas with the most prospects. Track which events have the highest value targets to determine where to channel your efforts.

Though we sometimes have to spend a little to make a lot, it’s essential to confirm these investments are paying off. Why put money toward fancy bait when a little bit of cheese brings in the same results? Whenever you pay for sponsorships or events, be sure you’re tracking the percentage you receive back in sales. This way, you can be certain your resources are being used effectively.

Attend to Your Line

One of the most impactful methods of developing quality relationships is through sponsorships — both for individual builders and events. Though the financial support alone is enough to generate interest, the real hook lies within you.

If you leave your line unattended, you risk letting the big catch get away. Your presence ensures that you can instantly answer questions, provide personalized information, and establish a face-to-face connection with prospective clients. In attending the events you sponsor, you demonstrate your dedication to creating and maintaining genuine relationships.

Think Outside of the Boat

Networking can occur in unique ways. Consider meeting with prospective clients in unconventional spaces.

Golfing and fishing are both fantastic activities to guarantee a day’s worth of conversation that will ultimately solidify your relationship. When networking isn’t the primary focus of the interaction, it allows space for your connection to extend beyond the professional realm.

Builder Partnerships is here to help. Contact us at 303-972-7666 or to learn about the many services and educational opportunities we offer to help you strengthen relationships with builders and grow your business.