Original Article by GAF

Exactly how hot does a roof get in the summer? According to the US Department of Energy, traditional darker asphalt shingle roofs can get up to 150°F on a sunny summer day. And prolonged exposure to high heat like this can damage your roof.

Four Potential Effects of Summer Weather on Your Roof
Here are four common ways hot summer weather can adversely affect your roof system:

1. High Heat
Over time, high heat can damage roofing materials.

2. Ultraviolet Light
UV light shines down on your roof on both sunny and cloudy days during the summer. Over time it can cause materials to deteriorate and diminish the amount of protection your roof shingles ultimately provide, leaving your roof vulnerable to leaks.

3. Humidity
Summer's high humidity can also damage your roof by creating condensation that collects under the shingles. If left unaddressed, this moisture can cause water damage, leaks, or mold growth.

4. Thermal Shock
Thermal shock occurs when high temperatures during the day are followed by quickly cooling temperatures at night. This temperature swing can cause roofs to expand and contract rapidly, weakening the roof's integrity.