Original Article by: Fox Blocks

One of the biggest issues currently facing the country is the lack of skilled labor to build residential and commercial projects. The demand has influenced the overall market for not only labor costs but on the quality of work.

Finding a contractor is the initial hard step, but the next step, before you commit to a contract, is to evaluate their skillset. Can this contractor do the job?

For any construction project the key elements are cost, time, and quality. In today's hectic marketplace all three of these key elements may fluctuate, to the disadvantage of the client or owner. In the best case, everything goes smoothly, and everyone walks away happy. The question is how you can make this happen for either one, two, or all three of these elements?

The most asked question from anyone wanting to build with ICFs is how to find an ICF contractor. Even though ICFs have been around for 60 years, many contractors/builders are reluctant to change their methods from traditional wood framing or concrete block construction. There are numerous reasons why, but the main crux, sorry to say, is the old saying – ‘can’t teach an old dog new tricks’, however, that’s not necessarily true.