We specialize in connecting our manufacturer and service provider members with mid-tier builders.

From our database of more than 1,500 builder members, our manufacturer and service provider members have access to insights on how builders operate and how they are adapting to ever-changing industry trends.

How to leverage our builder list and your membership:
  1. Load our builder list in your CRM tool and tag them as Builder Partnerships builders. Most CRM tools offer custom fields within builder accounts. We encourage you to tag Builder Partnerships builders to aid with report filtering and targeted outreach and analysis.
  1. Segment the builders on our list. Use the detailed profile information we maintain on our builder members to filter list to the specific requirements you are looking for. For example, production vs. custom, first time home buyer vs. move-up, or only builders over a certain size.
  1. Request a personal introduction. We are here to help your sales team engage with our builder community. We can help open the door. Encourage your team to reach out to us for personal introductions.
  1. Keep us up-to-date. If you discover incorrect contact information, or a person who has changed positions, please let us know. We will update our database and website.

Example Builder List:
If you have questions or would like an updated builder list, please contact us at 303-972-7666 or info@builderpartnerships.com