Original Article by: Homes for HOPE

The Homes for HOPE team had the privilege of joining nearly 70,000 home building professionals from around the globe last week at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the NAHB International Builders’ Show (IBS), the largest annual light construction show in the world. It was a power packed event where we were one of over 1,300 exhibiters with the opportunity to connect with our partners, industry friends and many potential new partners.
On day-one, Homes for HOPE was honored as the designated charity at the Shinn Builder Partnerships Networking Reception, an event where builders and manufacturers meet to network before the big event. During this time, we enjoyed connecting with industry leaders from around the country. Brian Hall of Classica Homes out of Charlotte, NC was the fortunate recipient of Homes for HOPE’s donated grand prize of a signed football by former NFL wide receiver, Terrell Owens.
Throughout the rest of the show, we connected with many new potential Homes for HOPE partners at the booth and various networking events. We are excited to see where these new connections with industry leaders from around the country lead.