If your team can’t make it to one of our in-person seminars, our instructors will come to you!

Private onsite training sessions are a popular option for home building companies that want the training to fit their schedules and the content customized to fit their needs.

One of the major benefits of onsite training is the flexibility it offers. Additional benefits include:
  • Sessions are customized to focus on specific areas of concern
  • Everyone hears the same message
  • Questions and conversations can be much more specific
  • Promotes internal networking and relationship-building
  • Cost-effective solution for training entire teams
View our education program catalogue for a sample of available topics. Some of our courses are also available as private online workshops. Due to the popularity of our private onsite and online training sessions, we recommend getting on our calendar as soon as possible.

Maximize efficiency and minimize expense by scheduling a private onsite or online training session today! Contact Shinn Consulting at 303-972-7666 or info@shinnconsulting.com to learn more about the many services we offer to help home building companies meet their training objectives and reach higher levels of success.

What Builders Are Saying

“We learned a lot [at the private on-site training session] and enjoyed our time with Ed and Carrie as well. We are better prepared and ready to tackle the challenges ahead in 2023.” ‒Caleb Blanton, Construction Manager, New Tradition Homes 

“Our team got a ton of valuable information [from the private on-site training session]. We are all at a higher mindset, and working on holding each other accountable to some of the goals we’ve set for ourselves during the time Ed and Carrie were here. We really appreciate the format and time that went into this for us. We do believe that this is going to elevate our entire construction team’s way of thinking and executing. Thank you and your team for putting on a quality training program for us so late in the year.” ‒Chris Madrid, Production Manager, Abrazo Homes 

“Thank you for working with us on a subject matter that is causing us some pain in margin erosion across several divisions.  Again, we do appreciate the expertise and services you offer our industry on continuous improvements that push us to become excellent home building operators.” ‒David Metz, VP National Purchasing & Operations, Drees Homes