We are giving our manufacturer and service provider members a chance to have a product “shout-out” in our Monthly Briefing and Manufacturer Access newsletters. The top three manufacturer or service provider members sponsoring the most participating builders into our program between December and the end of January will have their logo and a small product spotlight featured in both of our February newsletters!

We want to thank all of our manufacturer and service provider members for sponsoring builders into our program. Not only does it help you in securing their business, it also helps those builders gain access to our other partnering manufacturers' quality products and programs.  Additionally, it helps Builder Partnerships by growing our community of builders which creates valuable relationships for everyone involved in the programs.
Getting a builder enrolled is easy! Send this Builder Enrollment form link to your builders. It only takes about three to five minutes to enroll.

If you have questions, please contact Breanne Lee at: breanne@builderpartnerships.com