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Wednesday, May 13, 10:00 a.m. Mountain Time
With everything that has occurred in the past few months, things are changing quickly. Some states are wide open for business and others remain under strict stay-at-home rules. In this webinar, we will address how to adapt your business to the ever-changing rules and guidelines set by local and state governments.
Do not waste time or money. Know what each form of marketing can do for you. Learn about social media, SEM, SEO and other forms of marketing. Knowing how to use these tools can be a game changer. Digital marketing remains the most powerful tool for bringing home buyers to your model homes.

Attend this Free Webinar!
Online Classes Start Next Week
No time away from the office, no travel expenses!
Home Builder University logo
Purchasing 101
Four 2-hour sessions over 4 weeks
May 12, 2020 - June 2, 2020

Accounting & Finance
Four 2-hour sessions over 4 weeks
May 14, 2020 - June 4, 2020
Visit builderpartnerships.com/events for details.
About Builder Partnerships

Builder Partnerships is a member organization focused on providing management training and support to help builders improve their performance and profit. Currently, we represent more than 1,400 builders in the United States and Canada who forecast building 145,000 homes collectively this year.
With more than 75 associated manufacturer and service provider brands, Builder Partnerships also manages highly competitive rebate and incentive programs. We help strengthen relationships between builders, manufacturers, and other service providers in the home building industry. For more information, visit builderpartnerships.com.
About Reality Concepts

Reality Concepts is a full service Web Design, Development and Digital Marketing Group. At Reality Concepts we focus on how to make your business successful. Designing, building and launching your website is just the first step. After your website has launched we focus on how to make your site an important part of your company marketing. How do we do that? We focus on capture and conversion, getting people to your website and then converting them into buyers and not just browsers. Our websites have to do a lot more than just look good; they have to perform for you, and that is why you built the website in the first place. To learn more, visit realityco.com.